How DMS & AI are rocking companies

Find out

  • Which documents need to be processed in the company on a daily basis
  • What challenges the processing and filing of documents entails
  • How a DMS digitises documents and automates processes
  • How AI services in the DMS automate routine tasks and relieve your employees.

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The majority of companies want to continue investing in digitalisation. The signs are more favourable than before. This is because what belongs together is now coming together: the comparatively old idea of document management systems meets the newer idea of artificial intelligence.

The perfect symbiosis: DMS meets AI

Many companies want to finally say goodbye to paper and introduce digital, automated processes. They have realised that conventional working methods, such as storing documents on a hard drive, no longer meet the increased requirements for the availability of information. Location-independent access and availability of documents could often not be met - not to mention traceable, transparent business processes.

But now what belongs together is coming together: document management systems and artificial intelligence (AI).

  • This combination provides relief for your employees
  • creates transparency in business processes and
  • accelerates workflows - with far less effort.

But how exactly does it work? And how do you utilise this symbiosis profitably in your company?

This white paper is addressed to employees and managers from accounting, HR, legal, etc. as well as IT managers. It offers insights and practical recommendations on how document management and artificial intelligence can significantly improve the efficiency and productivity of these departments. Discover how these technologies can optimise your daily workflows and take your business to the next level.