This is how EASY digitization works

A simple and secure link of your ERP system to the proven EASY Archive

Marc Brudzinski and Tony Cheung will show you how easy it is to implement integrations of leading systems, e.g. your ERP system or your CRM system, into the EASY Archive.

During this dialog, you will learn about the benefits, new capabilities and functions you will gain from integrating your ERP system into the EASY Archive – features you will greatly benefit from, especially in times of changing work methods in remote environments.
The versatility of forms creates the flexibility to adapt to any requirement. Cloud, on-premises or hybrid scenarios can be variably combined using state-of-the-art technologies. Added to this is extremely fast availability and thus accelerated access for users - whether they work in the office, in the home office or on the move.
Marc Brudzinski
Manager Engineering ECM Integrations
+49 20845016363